Discover your path to go from college to career

School’s Over is designed to help you make the best decisions after high school. With personalized college searches and offer recommendations, deciding on your next steps got a lot easier. Brought to you by the team at Fraction.


Try our Guided Search to find high-value degree programs in your area of interest.

Search Degree Programs


Compare admissions offers to see which one offers the greatest lifetime value.

Compare Admissions Offers

Create Your Future

Find Real Options

Search through different options and find those that fit the way you want to go.

Discover True Value

See the true lifetime value of the options you’re considering.

Compare What’s Best

Compare the offers you have and find which one will work best for you.

How It Works

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1. Guided Searches

First search through the thousands of different post secondary programs by your interests and region. You can drill down further by seeing results based on your GPA, test scores, and more.

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2. Offer Comparisons

Next, compare different offers based on different metrics like financial aid averages, predictive salaries, and overall lifetime values.

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3. Career Paths

Finally, take your offers and define the best career path based on for you based on your profile, maximizing the lifetime value you can receive over your career.

About Us

Praveen Ghanta

I'm a co-founder of Fraction, a startup founded on the notion that the best developers already have a job, so why not hire them fractionally? Fraction brings senior developers' spare capacity to market.

Thomas M. Harris

I'm a passionate self-taught product designer, and consultant with 5 years of experience helping entrepreneurs and business owners.


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